Greater Portland is not only the USA's but the world’s epicenter for apparel & outdoor gear companies. Industry leaders, including Nike, Columbia Sportswear and Sorel, have chosen to headquarter here for the rich ecosystem of creative minds and innovative outerwear companies. In Greater Portland, continually pushing the boundaries of fashion and functionality is in our DNA
Our region leads the way in product design, prototyping, 3D printing, manufacturing, distribution, marketing and talent. The local talent pool has skilled designers, engineers and marketers who collaborate to produce high-quality, cutting-edge concepts. State-of-the-art facilities and outdoor recreation options in the Portland region enable the rapid creation and refinement of gear and clothing, ensuring that apparel and outdoor companies can move quickly from concept to market-ready products.
Download our apparel & outdoor industry overview here.
Apparel and Outdoor Industry Fast Facts
*Portland Business Journal, The Oregonian, Local Municipalities, LinkedIn, GPI Research
*GPI Research
Of It's Kind Master's Degree in Sports Product Management (University of Oregon)
Our Industry Strengths
An Unmatched Talent Pool
In addition to access to highly experienced industry veterans, there are many hands-on learning opportunities. Greater Portland offers six specialized higher education programs tailored specifically to the apparel and outdoor sectors. These range from certificate programs to master’s degrees, catering to a diverse array of educational needs and career aspirations. Graduates from these programs are uniquely positioned to set new industry standards. Notably, the University of Oregon created the first master’s degree in Sports Product Management, a pioneering program that underscores the region's commitment to excellence and innovation in this field.
The quintessential Pacific Northwest livability and affordability of Portland and its suburbs, such as Beaverton and Hillsboro, are key factors for attracting and retaining talent. Portland boasts a high quality of life with its vibrant cultural scene and stunning recreational areas. The city's commitment to sustainability and its thriving creative community provide an inspiring backdrop for students pursuing careers in apparel and outdoor industries.
Learn More About Greater Portland’s Workforce
World Class Industry Ecosystem
The Portland area has one of the highest concentrations of apparel and outdoor brands and expertise in the world. This concentration comes with a huge, highly skilled workforce and network of suppliers that set the standard for innovation, engineering, design, material development and commercialization for the entire industry. Large and small companies benefit from these resources and talent access. Some of the largest international brands, like Nike, thrive in Portland, but the region is also home to startups and smaller brands like Portland Gear.
Outdoor apparel manufacturers and companies in Greater Portland also benefit from significant economic advantages. These include affordable energy rates, which reduce operational costs and support sustainable practices. Competitive real estate costs make it feasible for both established companies and startups to set up operations, fostering a diverse and vibrant business community. An attractive tax climate further enhances the region's appeal, providing financial incentives that encourage investment and growth.
Discover the Advantages of Doing Business in Greater Portland
Where the Outdoors Are Your Laboratory
Greater Portland's legendary outdoor recreation options provide an unparalleled living laboratory for product testing. The diverse landscapes, ranging from rugged mountains to serene coastlines, offer real-world environments for apparel and outdoor gear companies to rigorously test and refine their products. This direct feedback loop ensures that products not only meet but exceed consumer expectations, providing valuable insights into performance and durability.
Lush rainforests, long coastlines, and some of the country's tallest mountains make Portland the perfect testing ground. Clothing companies and outdoor gear manufacturers can design, test, and improve products right here in Portland’s diverse terrain, ensuring equipment is tough, functional, and built to last.
Read About Outdoor Recreation in Greater Portland
“Being home to the headquarters of Nike and Adidas, as well as Columbia, Keen and others, makes Portland the epicentre of US sneakers. The talent pool is incredible, and many brands have established offices in Portland to tap into the talent pool.”
—Matt Powell, sports industry analyst, NPD Group
Easy Access to Asian Markets
Greater Portland’s location facilitates global connections from American to eastern Asian markets. These close ties and proximity to key goods and consumer markets, such as the Japanese and Chinese apparel and outdoor markets, make sourcing and selling easy.
Greater Portland’s logistical infrastructure is another critical asset. The region is home to four major ports, including deep-water ports in Portland and Vancouver, which collectively handle over 30 million tons of cargo annually. These ports are vital gateways for international trade, offering efficient and reliable transportation of goods.
See How Greater Portland Facilitates Global Connections
Top 5 Apparel & Outdoor Firms with Headquarters in Greater Portland
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