Profile Photo for Jordan Mishra Johnson

Jordan Mishra Johnson

Graphic Design Manager

Department: Staff

(971) 339-2010

Jordan studied business administration and art while attending the University of Oregon, and she brings six years of communications experience to GPI. Her career began at Broussard Communications, working as the firm’s Account Coordinator for two and a half years. She spent two years working as Associate Editor of Fresh Cup Magazine, and then returned to Broussard Communications for another two years as Digital Media Specialist. Her time at Broussard inspired Jordan to start @DrawnHungry, an artistic project that celebrates figures in the culinary world through illustration. Jordan’s @DrawnHungry work has been featured in Bon Appetit onlineStar Chef’s Magazine, and Fresh Cup Magazine.

Her experience has led Jordan to be extremely knowledgeable about the Portland market; a sharp, effective writer; a creative social media strategist; a thoughtful storyteller; and a skilled graphic designer. When she has free time, Jordan loves to bake, craft, spend time with her family in Yamhill, Oregon, and hang out with her pet rabbits, Willie Nelson and Smudge. Jordan is thrilled to bring her experience in unique multi-media storytelling to Greater Portland Inc.